Monday, August 23, 2010

Birthday Card - one year old

Here is a card I made for my nephew's little ONE year old birthday party. What an adorable little girl she is!!
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Friday, August 20, 2010

Bicycle thank you card

This is a card I made for the bicyle shop that 'services' our bikes. The owner is super super nice. He has fixed our bikes for pennies. Last night he replace a whole back wheel for NOTHING!! He also checked out my bike to be sure everything is okay so they are in tip top shape for our Ride. This is what you call great customer service. Thanks, Lynn!!
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

25th Anniversary Card

I made this 25th anniversary card for our minister and wife. I was so very pleased with how it turned out. This was my first card that"interlocked" when closed.

Close up view of the hearts. Inside of card. The rings are charms.

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25th Anniversary Name Board

Our church is hosting a surprise 25th anniversary party for our minister and wife. This is the before before the vinyl and after board I made for them. I crackled the board and used vinyl cut from the cricut. Sealed with podge podge and then spray clear acrylic sealer.
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More Bulletin Boards 2010

Two of these are using vinyl cut by my Cricut.  I love giraffes and my co-workers love this Giraffe Advice I have on my wall.   The 'monkey' one is out in the hall just as you enter the school!   Its the first thing that greets you as you enter the school.  Our school does great things and I'm proud to be a teacher there!!

Bulletin Boards 2010

I decided to post some of my bulletin boards I've been working on for this school year! (I have done thousands over the year but never posted any. I've used my cricut for each and everyone of these. IT has saved me so much time!! I teach Learning Support, Gifted, and Enrichment students. I love love love my job!!!

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Another Sunset Brayer Technique - Full Moon

Here's another card.  I'm getting addictive to making these.  I tried out different colors.   I've order some more ink pads so I'm just using what i have on hand.  I started out with yo yo yellow ink, then used pumpkin pie, then topped it with real red.  I then thought it was too bright so I took a Distress Ink pad color Fired Brick and when over it and liked the result better.  I added the mountains on the bottom using chocolate brown in two tones.  Then using my favorite Lovely as a Tree stamp, I stamped the pine tree several times.  Added a brown ribbon at the bottom (may need to look closely to see it.)  Once again I'm waiting to add the sentiments later. 

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sunset Brayer Technique

I'm so excited about these cards.  I finally got  brave enough to try them and love the results.  It took me some practice but think I have figured out the technique now.   I love the look of them.   It has inspired me to order some colors of ink pads.   The top card is using the stamp Lovely as a Tree.  One of my favorite stamps.  The bottom was was a stamp I found on clearance in Hobby Lobby.  I love that one too.  I actually stamped the same design three times to get the effect I was after.  I'm sure I'll improve with doing more.  My men were impressed with my new cards.

"Sweetie Pie"

Here is a thank you for my wonderful brother-in-law for all his help he has given us!!  He just loves my apple pies.  The secret to them is using Rambo apples.  He totally enjoyed it along with his family!!  This stamp was made for a baby which it said Cutie Pie.  I covered up the part that said Cutie before inking and then stamped it...  then used another stamp and put in sweetie and then another stamp and stamped You're a....    On the back of this tag was another stamp of a pie and I wrote my message to him.  We just wanted to let him know how sweet it was of him to offer his time, knowledge, and thoughtfulness to help us out!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Scrap Store Field Trip

A group of very close friends and I went on a 'Field Trip" to scrapbook stores.   We went to Butler Super Station first and spend hours there.  WE found some awesome things there.  I got some super duper ideas for our son's book and can't wait to begin making his book.  (Currently working on a Honeymoon book for our daughter which is coming along nicely.)   After we finished up there and had a bite to eat we traveled to Pat Cantan!  They had never been there and loved that store too. I found some awesome clearance items there.  Then we went to Monroeville and hit the huge Joann's and Michaels there.  We came home with a car load of STUFF!!!  WE were some happy campers.  Of course we stopped for supper and then later a DQ!   It was 12 1/2 hours of shopping!!  Whoo Hoo!!! What Fun!!!! Here is a picture of some of my loot. 

Sympathy Card

My dear friend lost her husband at such an early age!  My heart is broken for her!   I made this card for her!  I couldn't decide what to make her but thought this Manhattan rose embossing folder had such a sincere look to it that I knew it was calling me to use it!   Please pray for Angie and Molly has they grieve the lost of a wonderful father and husband.  He had such strong faith in the Lord!   

Friendship Cards

We had a great weekend camping with five families and made each family a card! The weekend was a blast and the food was FABULOUS!!! I was so eager to used my SU die cut and punch! I just love both of them! Of course nothing seems to be complete without some inking of the edges.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

U Stream Winner

I'm such a lucky girl. I won another prize from FANCY PANTS. I just received it and it is so cute. It is chipboard designs... adorable. and girly tags. Love them!! I should play the lottery as lucky as I have been on this computer.