Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Scrap Store Field Trip

A group of very close friends and I went on a 'Field Trip" to scrapbook stores.   We went to Butler Super Station first and spend hours there.  WE found some awesome things there.  I got some super duper ideas for our son's book and can't wait to begin making his book.  (Currently working on a Honeymoon book for our daughter which is coming along nicely.)   After we finished up there and had a bite to eat we traveled to Pat Cantan!  They had never been there and loved that store too. I found some awesome clearance items there.  Then we went to Monroeville and hit the huge Joann's and Michaels there.  We came home with a car load of STUFF!!!  WE were some happy campers.  Of course we stopped for supper and then later a DQ!   It was 12 1/2 hours of shopping!!  Whoo Hoo!!! What Fun!!!! Here is a picture of some of my loot. 

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