Friday, August 20, 2010

Bicycle thank you card

This is a card I made for the bicyle shop that 'services' our bikes. The owner is super super nice. He has fixed our bikes for pennies. Last night he replace a whole back wheel for NOTHING!! He also checked out my bike to be sure everything is okay so they are in tip top shape for our Ride. This is what you call great customer service. Thanks, Lynn!!
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  1. Beautiful card! Loved the story behind it--now that's good customer service! Thanks for sharing.

  2. really nice card. I just love that blue color you used. Looking at it makes me want to go for a bike's been a long long time :) TFS

  3. Kel, Hop on your bike and pedal away!! Hubby and I go as often as we can which is usually 4 or 5 itimes a week. Our average bike ride is 20-25 miles. This time of the year is a great time to do it. In the evenings we see all kinds of wildlife.
