The Lace Giraffe

The Lace Giraffe

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Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest, but about who came and never left your side.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sunshine Award

I'm so honored that I was given this Award from Kate at Small Bits of Paper. She has become a close crafting friend and love her stuff. Check out her blog. She has some great projects there. Thank you, Kate!

So I am passing the sunshine and The Sunshine Award along to 5 other wonderful bloggers and hope they will pass it along to 5 other bloggers. Here they are:

Jenny from studio j
Beanie from Beanie's Tag Your It
Greenbean from Greenbean's Crafterole
Mary from Cardz TV
Tanya from Time for Scrappin

These ladies have such wonderful and creative ideas. Go check them out and leave a comment.


Jenny B said...

Awww Joyce THANK YOU! I'm Honored!!!!

Kate said...

I thought I gave an award to Jenny?!?! I must have had an airhead moment. We all love Jenny!!

Tanya said...

Thank you so much for the award!You have a great blog,I am now a follower!