Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Camp Harmony Spring Crop

 I attended a weekend spring crop at Camp Harmony with a group of great friends including my two sisters in law!  We had the best time and I got one entire album completed.  I wasn't sure if it was going to happen but I worked up to the last minute.  It turned out great.  I'll be posted that album at a later time.  I was asked to bring it back for the fall weekend crop.  I did several make and takes which are posted below.  I also won a prize along with my two sisters in law.  I look forward to these weekends because I get to see and craft with my friends and meet up with old friends.    The picture above is me in a "Craft" hat that we wore when we won!!  :) 
 This is my "messy creative" corner!
 My sister in law, Patty, wearing "the hat"!

 Make and Takes:   The first is a box made from 16 pieces of 6 x 6 double sided paper which we folded.  What amazed me is how it goes together without any adhesive.  I love how it turned out. 

 This was a lay out that we did.  We also did a card which I failed to take a picture of.  :(

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