Monday, August 13, 2012

End of Vacation

Now that summer is coming to a close in 9 days I have to say it has been on busy summer vacationing. We went to 8 states: Pennsylvania (where I live), Maryland, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, New York Not sure what my favorite place one because we went to some pretty cool places. We loved the Mountains in Tennessee and North Caroline and the tons of waterfalls there. Also my hubby finally got to visit his "bucket list" place in New York! I didn't think I would like it but loved it. Ohio was amazing and found my dream table there too. Now that vacationing is over,hopefully I'll be able to get caught up with all my craft projects. I currently have six major projects on my desk: Pillows, "Christmas presents, shhh can't list them here), three mini albums, and many things for my bulletin boards at school. I think I need to hurry to get everything done before I go back. Now to plan the major vacation trip for next year!

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