The Lace Giraffe

The Lace Giraffe

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Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest, but about who came and never left your side.

Monday, November 28, 2011

White Christmas Decorations

This year I decided to decorate in using a white theme. I redid all my decorations. It took a long time to make new wreaths, swags, centerpieces, etc. I even made 7 white stockings. My favorite decorations is the old window. A great friend gave it to me many years ago when she put in new windows in her older home. It has ceramic window knobs too. I had it in my basement for years and never knew what to do with it. I think it turned out really neat.
Another cool thing I did after seeing it on Pinterest was to take old jars and paint them white. Then you spray a coat of adhesive on them and put Epson Salt on them. They turned out so glittery and very inexpensive too. Hope you enjoyed a glimpse into our home!! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All!!





















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Alaska Calender

I made several of these calenders for Christmas gifts of our Alaska vacation. It was so fantastic and many people asked me to make them a calender of our favorite pictures. It was so hard to choose which pictures because I really didn't have a favorite except for seeing Mt. McKinley without a cloud in the sky. If you have ever been there you will so understand our thrill!!!















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Canister Etching

I etched these canisters set for Christmas. I etched the words: Joy, Peace, Love, Faith I'm going to fill them with the person's favorite things like candy, teas, etc.






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November Bulletin Boards

I forgot to post these pictures in November. I guess never too late. LOL
I use the one to display the students papers and if they get 12 papers they earn a prize. The other one is a chart we use for a variety of things such as good behavior, 100%, well-organized, etc. The students earn a prize when they get a bingo.


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Coasters from Tiles

These are coasters I made for our home. I rarely make anything for myself. We recently redid our livingroom and we needed new coasters. I used 4 x 4 tiles from Lowes and stamped on them using Stazon brown and black ink. Then use a permanent marker to color blue. I sprayed them with a clear coat.






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