Thursday, June 30, 2011

Alaska 2011

As many of my followers know that we took our vacation this year to the BEAUTIFUL untouched wilderness of Alaska. We were blessed to be able to share this vacation with my oldest sister and her hubby. We had a fantastic time and so wish I could have been there with you. You must plan a trip to Alaska to really experience an UNTOUCHED WILDERNESS. Everywhere you looked there was an breathtaking view!!! Seriously!!!
On our travels we meant so many nice Alaskans and visitors! We met an awesome couple from Utah at the Alaskan Lodge. These pictures are posted for them!!! Enjoy them and if you want more pictures of anything in Alaska , ask and I'm sure we have it since my hubby was a great photographer and took thousands of pictures.

We were blessed to see Mt. Denali (Mt. McKinley) since its only appears 20% of the time because of the clouds and only 30% of the people get to see it!! It is such an awesome vies.

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