Sunday, May 8, 2011

Flat Alicia

I received a package from a first grade class from Kansas. The classroom teacher read the class a book titled, Flat Stanley. It was about the adventures a boy took after being flattened by a bulletin board. This teacher made a flatten version of each of her students. They then sent them out and every person that received them were to document the adventure that the 'flatten student' did with them. My flatten student was called Flat Alicia. Being a teacher myself I thought this was such a cool idea. You were also suppose to put something on the flatten student to help tell the story where they were. I place a band-aide on her knew where she skinned it when she was climbing on the rocks at Mt. Davis (the highest point of Pennsylvania). I also made a mini functional backpack that she wore to my school. I also composed a letter telling of Alicia's adventures with me. Below are the pictures and the letter that I composed. (I tried to post the letter but it wouldn't let me.)





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