Monday, April 4, 2011

My Valentine Surprise

I know I'm really really late in posting this but trying to get caught up. Feb. and Mar. have been so busy at our household.

I feel so special!!!! and LOVED The mailman brought me a SURPRISE box from a dear friend of mine!!!!. At first I look at the box and think.... I don't think I ordered anything lately.... take the box and start home.... Then I look at the return address.... and got warm and fuzzy inside........ It was from LIZ.... Oh what a surprise!!!! Liz sent me a "teacher" mailbox that she did! and oh it was adorable.. I couldn't stop looking at it.. Of course it had CHOCOLATE in it too. and who doesn't chocolate and the cuties little cards, too. . I just love it. There was the darnest cuties little flower on the flag, too. . That flower is the cuties ever!!!!. How did you do that? I need to know!!! Thanks so much for thinking of me this Valentine's Day........ Thank You! Thank You!!!! Liz!!!! ' ''
You must check out her blog! She is so talented and creative!! What a great friend she is too!!! Thanks again. (and sorry Liz it took me so long in posting this.)

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