"Cross Dresser" Layout

Its funny what kids will do. My son and daughter decided to switch clothes one day. I actually just saw this on facebook this week when two siblings did the same thing.

2007 Prom Layout

My son went to six proms so I have tons of prom layouts. Here is just one more. LOL
........................................ The last two layouts are another double page spread. He wore a tie which had her picture on it of her dress. I used that tie as a top border on both pages.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Bearded Mosaic Layout

Some pictures that I found that thought were worth scrapping.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Baptism Layout

This is a layout of my son's baptism. I did the same layout for my daughter's too. These are very old pictures of when they were 11 and 12. I finally got around in taking the church picture so I could complete the pages.

"Stairway to Heaven" Prom LO - 2005

These are pages done of a 2005 Prom. Even though I show individual pages, some of them are double page layouts. I have many prom layouts to post.