Friday, July 23, 2010

New Post Design

Decided I needed a make over on my blog. I love this design because it shows my other love...bicycling with my hubby. We went last night and what a beautiful night to bike. We did our usually 20 miles. We just love being with nature and enjoying all that God as created. At least this time we didn't see a timber rattlesnake. We did see a cute little mouse. I actually almost ran over it. We also saw the usually deer (they especially like to come out after 6 PM) and tons of baby bunnies. Then we stopped at got a hot fudge sundae made with peanut butter yogurt. SO YUMMY!!! I love when they have that flavor.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Meeting an ONLINE Friend

I can't believe I actually got to meet Jenny from studio j in person!!! What an awesome lady she is! I also got to meet four of her children. They are so sweet. We had a blast shopping and having lunch together. Can't wait to meet others! and to meet up with Jenny again. Thanks, Jenny for an awesome time!!! So glad Hannah was feeling up to coming and that you could schedule our meeting!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cherry on Top Award

I’m tickled “pink” and feel like I just ate an ice cream sundae with a “Cherry On Top” when I was surprised by Kate at Small Bits of Paper for presenting me with the Cherry on Top Award. I’m so honored that she choose me. Kate is very talented and has a great sense of humor. Thank you KATE!!!

The rules for this award are:
1. Thank the person who gave this award to you
2. Copy the award and put it on your blog.
3. List three things which you love about yourself.
4. Post a picture you love.
5. Tag five people you wish to pass this award on to.

Now, for three things I love about myself.
1.I love that I am able to use the talents God gave me in my daily job
teaching special needs children.
2.I love that I love myself. I have lost a lot of special people in my life
who have taught me to live each day as if it was my last. I’m not leaving
this Earth with any regrets.
3. I love that I am creative and am able to share my talents with others.

Here is a picture that I love. It is of our son and daughter and our daughter’s wedding. It was taken right before the beautiful ceremony. They are best friends and he stood in for his sister as the “Maid of Honor”. I love that they have such a closeness toward each other and a bond that can't be broken. They make me so PROUD.

Five people that I wish to pass this award to are:
1. Katie at Creations By K8
2. Diane at Capadia Designs
3. Melanie at Courtney Lane Designs
4. Beanie at Beanie's Tag Your It
5. Amy at AmyChomas

Thinking of You cards

Thinking of You cards using my stash. I used just scraps of paper that I had and some things I bought from clearance sections. I just love the look of those outline stickers.

Birthday Cards

Here are a few birthday cards that I was just using up some of my stash. I refuse to buy anything until I use up some of my stuff. These stickers that I used were called: Anita's Art Stamps Outline Stickers. I really liked them when I put them on the darker paper. I bought them so long ago from a clearance rack and got them for nothing from Pat CanTan. and the felt flowers were from Ollies.

Timber Rattlesnake

Hi all,
Just had to post these. We bike the Trails to Rails trail for years and never saw a timber rattlesnake for years. Last night we went a biking even though it was 93 degrees at 5:00 pm. It was a beautiful evening to bike. At our half way point we ran into this snake.